Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Feed A Cold

Feed a cold; starve a fever.  That's how the saying goes, right?

I have a cold.  And I'm feeding it.  Pizza, cake, grilled cheese.

I have a feeling it's going to take just as long to lose the last 25 pounds as it did to lose the 100 that are already gone.  Ounces off, ounces on.  Ounces off, ounces on.  I miss ten months ago when I was losing 4 or more pounds a week and nothing ever came back on.  Oh wait, that's like saying I miss being ill, out of shape and tired all the time.  Right.  No, I don't miss that.

Time to shake it up a little I guess.  

I bought broccoli today.  For myself and not for a salad that I'm bringing to church or a crudite platter for someone else's party.  I'm going to eat the broccoli!  Myself.  Actually, over the course of this year's journey back to health I learned at the ripe old age of middle age to hang out in the produce aisle and farmer's markets first before I buy anything else.  Although, I still don't know how to prepare an artichoke but maybe someday.  I will never, however, see redeeming value in cauliflower.

I love my walking.  My facebook friends are probably sick to death of my walking posts, pictures and "musical musings of the day."  But it's probably time to add something new to the routine.  I bought yet another DVD and when this cold is done with me, I'll get down on the floor and start with some abdominal work.  I won't be happy about it.  But that's the plan.

Broccoli, ab work, more weird-looking vegetables, maybe weights.  I don't know what to wish for ... if the cold hangs around, I can ignore the broccoli and the core strengthening.  When it goes away, I'll have to get serious again.

Serious is the key.  Now that I look and, more to the point, feel better than I have in ages, it's easy to slack off.  But I have an eating issue and I'll have it forever.  There is no slacking off.  Weight comes back on just as surely as it comes off.  Staying motivated daily is my new goal.

I'm going to give this cold one more day.  I will not feed it tomorrow no matter how hungry for something cheesy or chocolate it seems to be.  And on Wednesday, I'm bringing broccoli for lunch.

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