Confession Number 1: When I stepped off the porch for my keep fit walk tonight my mouth was full of maple walnut fudge that I bought at the beach yesterday.
I love this picture from tonight. I'm surprised that little box measured a pedestrian at all. Especially a pedestrian who was so ... well, pedestrian. I wish my "speed" was "7." 7 miles an hour? I did get slightly above 4 mph for a while earlier this year. I think I was doing 4 miles in about 52 minutes.

Tonight I'm thinking about both yesterday at the beach and the wild ride that was my day at work. It's amazing that how in the space of less than 48 hours one can be gloriously relaxed and completely reveling in being "alone in a crowd" and then so completely crazed that it's ultimately impossible to move in any productive direction. Yesterday I sat in a beach chair from noon until about 6 PM, moving off the beach only to indulge in my favorite new shore food for lunch: fish tacos. I half-napped while waves of conversations floated around me. Have you ever noticed that on the beach? You're outside with loads of people around and waves crashing and gulls making a racket but if you close your eyes, conversations tune themselves in like stations on a radio. Then your stream of consciousness takes hold ... I wonder, for example, what led the young woman on my right, snuggling close to a young man, to mention that "eyeballs are mostly composed of some sort of gel." She needs a lesson in romantic chat, I think to myself.
Then behind me the inevitable:
Big kid: You can't use my shovel.
Little kid: You're not using it.
BK: Mom! Tell him he can't use my shovel.
Mom: You're not using it.
You can see where that's headed and there's really no way for anyone to come out a winner. And I wondered why they decided to sit so close to me when the beach wasn't really crowded. I've done my time with kids on the beach.

Since it's Friday, I try not to dwell on work too much but it's impossible to ignore the fact that it's been the most unsettling school opening for me in the 13 school openings I've had. Everything is going really well but new layers (and layers and layers) of security are tough to get used to and create more work for the office; the school bus company that won the bid this year is unresponsive to our transportation person; people have resigned, all for very good reasons but it's remarkable that we've lost so many in such a short period of time. I'm happy for all who've moved on to bigger and better things but geez ... at the end of the summer/start of the year? I wanted to try and find my desk before I left today but the fire alarm went off. Only the after-care program and a couple of administrators and I were around ... Teachers: do not bring your old toaster ovens to the teachers' room. Do us all a favor and get new ones for your space at school. It was a wacky week for a first week back with holidays on both Monday and Thursday. Next week ... hoping for normal.

I'm going to have to find my way back to that resolve I had last fall and get serious again. I'm hoping this nerve business moves along quickly because it's easy to make excuses for less exercise--that slippery slope that leads to other poor decisions. I'm in a pretty good place right now but I know how all that can change. I really can't let that happen ... I gave away all the large-size (make that extra-extra large) clothes.
Tonight: 5 miles. Not bad. Not great but I'll take it. I'll ramble more tomorrow.
Confession Number 2: I'm drinking a glass of wine and enjoying a chocolate chip muffin as I write.
Playlist for a Friday night:
WPLJ with my favorite radio guy Ralphie Aversa. Until he cues up Imagine Dragons' Radioactive ... can't for the life of me figure out why that song is successsful ...
and so ... I turn up Gavin DeGraw, Sweeter Live.
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