As always I've met some fun people--all younger than I--in line. Most are seeing him for the first time tonight. We compared thoughts and "favorites" for a while--there were only about 6 or so of us there for quite a while. My concert buddy, Courtney, arrived and joined me on line. Suddenly Gavin was spotted near the buses. My new young friends dashed around the corner of the venue while I held their places in line. They'd never met him and I have a few times. They returned, all smiles, thrilled with the new pictures on their phones. Courtney and I started around the corner but he was on his way back to the bus while explaining that there was an interview waiting (you can read it here).
So we settled into the line and the wait. Three hours to go before the doors would open. Kelly was dropped off and then Phyllis arrived, more fan friends. As usual, I marvel to myself that I've connected with so many wonderful people through this man's music. It's a richness that I appreciate as much as any other aspect of this new concert-going addiction I have. Amazingly, this time before a show always seems to pass by quickly--at least it does for me. Shortly before 7 venue personnel came out to wristband us and check ID's. There was another line of folks on the opposite side of the entrance who'd paid a premium price for parking in advance. They were the first to enter the venue. So, despite having waited 4 hours in the April chill and being the 3rd, 4th and 5th people in line, we were not in the coveted front row. Not only that, the room had a lot of young people who were very pushy (shades of the Paramount, back in December). It was uncomfortable.
An odd thing about this tour is that if you are a holder of VIP tickets to meet Gavin, you miss the Parachute set (or most of it) while waiting to chat with Gavin. You also lose whatever space you had claimed in the crowd because the moment you leave your spot, people fill in from behind. It seems rather unfair that the people who've paid nearly triple the price of the general admission ticket miss hearing one of the bands and are relegated to the back of the room once they've met Gavin. When you're paying that much, you should be allowed to be close to the stage. Phyllis had a meet and greet ticket so we did not see her again until after the show. I was worried about this arrangement as I had VIP tickets for two more shows on this tour.
David & Billy backing up Gavin. |
Talking about Billy Joel |
The audience was singing along to everything. I was surprised that the youngest ones in the room knew songs from the first album. They were probably only 5 years old when it came out. Their chanting and pushing continued all night and I wondered what the point of security was if not to curtail this rudeness. But mostly my mind never strayed from the stage. Gavin seems to enjoy it (I imagine all songwriters do) when the audience sings to him. It must be amazingly gratifying to hear your artistic endeavors being given back to you by a thousand people. He's always so appreciative of this.
James Cruz on bass. |
Ian O'Neill |
Who needs sleep?
Experience Leading Man the way I did. This is where I was also standing. Thanks for sharing this video MedicoMG!
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