It was a small group but representative of our community. Some young people. Some older people. Men and women and a few children. From many walks of life. Interesting folk who spent a weekend together to relax and pray and learn. And sing.
I close my eyes and I can hear them. Individual voices. Some of them I know so well ... my mom's, of course, and I can hear Janet's strong voice on my left and Deb's clear and trained voice on my right. I can hear our leader for the weekend, Evan, bold and enthusiastic and infusing each phrase with an inspiring sureness. I can make out Danielle's clear tones and in front of me I hear John and Jennifer and Jack and Verna. I hear my friend Janet's voice, leading us on as she always does yet allowing each to contribute what he or she is able and affirming each person's place in the community. Individual voices, each person with his or her own story, weaving them into the framework of the weekend.
I open my eyes and look around the room. These are "my people." I don't know many of them well, really, but I know most of them a little. I appreciate what each does in our community at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Morristown. I'm comfortable and comforted; I belong.
With my eyes closed again I hear one voice now. One voice soaring with Josh's accompaniment (really leadership) on the loud and percussive upright piano. One voice lifted in praise and worship, inspired and inspirational.
And I'm aware of the other groups using this campus this weekend and so I hear women's voices singing brightly in Spanish and the deep, enthusiastic voices of a men's group. There are young and exhuberant voices from the youth groups spending time together. These voices fill the spring air with hope and love and it's beautiful.
Many voices ... one sound. Love. It's the sound of love.
It was really great to meet you and your mother, Katherine, and an enormous privilege to speak to the St Peter's crew. I loved every second of it, and benefited from the time enormously. I loved this little summary which underlined the unity of the experience. May the Lord richly bless you!
Thank you Ethan!